
Saturday, May 5, 2007

TEXAS CSc 2001

hi all
i am sending you TI CSE paper 2001

about all interviews in brief they are asking
about n/w's so prepare well.

20 tech q's (1 hr)
multiple choice , q's are not in order

1)Reentrant os required
ans: c (check)

2)identify a DFA for all strings which ended
with string '00'
4 dfa's have given , u can simply
3)dfa has given we have to find the string
accepted by that.

4)in a memory hierarchy, M1,M2
M1 access time is 2 ns ,M2 accesstime is 100
ns . the hit ratio for
M1 is .97, then what's the avg access time
ans: 500 ns

5) Interrupts main use is for elimination of
a) spooling
c)job scheduling

6)A coprocessor for floating point operations
has given. after that the execution of the
floating point ops has incresed by 20 times.
if 20% floating pt ops are there then
what's the sped up?

7) two heaps of sizes m,n are given,
then the time needed to merge them
d) none
8)context switching is useful in
a) spooling
b) polling
c)interrupt handling
d) interrupt servicing

9) if 2^n leaves are given in a tree then no.of
internal nodes
b) 2^n -1

10) semaphores used for
a)to prevent deadlocks
b) to sycronize critical activities

remaining q's i have forgot, but some q's are
about c (easy)

u can do 18 q's in this section ( i.e this sec is
that much easy)

it's some what difficult.
in this sec they has given big passeges,
analytical reasoning,some apti bits
i have forgot many of the q's
so i am giving here few q's
but it's very easy to shortlist in this TI, if u
done this sec well.

1) derivative of e^sinx
2)x=2yt y=2t^2
dy/dx? (figures may not correct)

x mod y=x-y[x/y]
=x-y{x/y} some conditions are given
[x/y] means floor operation.
{x/y} ceal op.

based on this 4 or 5 q's are given u can do the all
the q's except
one q.
that's why iam giving only one q from this

3)xmod 3=2, xmod5=10 then xmod15=?

i can't give the remaining q's those are very
lengthy i have forgot those.

about TI interview:

Ti is asking v.....very basic fundaasssss
for me they have asked only in c, but some other
persi\ons they asked in ds,os,ip etc.

in c they have asked
if u have given a 32 bit no. u have to set m th
bit without using any arithmetic ops
and u must have to write in a single expr. (hint:
use &,<< ops)
they asked the same for reset.

they have asked to print 2^0 to 2^16 with out
using any arith. ops. (same as above)
if u have given two seperate c files u have
toexecute these two in one by linking how
u can achieve this (hint: make utility)

about ds:
they have asked how u can print levelwise in a
tree ( hint: bfs)

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